Hi, my name is Florian Sextl aka FireFighterDuck and I’m a PhD student and university assistant at the research unit for Formal Methods in System Engineering (FORSYTE) at TU Wien.

My research interests are program verification and formal foundations of programming languages with a focus on separation logic based methods and the Rust language. If I had to give a headline for these topics I would call them “Memory Safety Fundamentals” as I work towards practical, but also foundational memory safety. Other than that, I’m also interested in interactive theorem proving and have quite some experience with Isabelle/HOL (and know a bit about Coq, as well).

Contact Information

E-Mail (without blanks): <firstname> . <lastname> @tuwien.ac.at

Github: FireFighterDuck


Here you can find all my publications as well as further documents like my CV.